Engineering 25 Şubat 2024

İyon Plazma İticisi

We can see power source in this system. With this power source we can afford energy which we need. Another component in this system is button. This button allows us to control the system. Another one is transformer. Transformer allows us to incrase voltage. In example we have 6 volt power. With transformer we can incrase 6 volt to 100 volt. Conductive nail and thruster's conductive shell allows to electrons jump one place to another place. Thanks to this we can launch the electrons to forward and this way we can make thrust effect. Using this basic model we can float the mini boat and fly the small aircrafts. You can check out video link related to this project. The man in video makes a lot of amazing projects. You should check out his channel. I am sure about you find amazing project videos in there. Here is the link :I built an IONIC PLASMA THRUSTER (Best Design) (

Closing Speech:

In this blog I tried to explain this question " How Ion Plasma Thrusther works?" and for making this project I share with you a scheme with this you can make your own ıon plasma thruster. Thank you for reading my blog and sorry for my bad English. Have a nice day! :)
