Graph Theory: Definitions and Applications

Graphs can be seen as the relations in the world that are represented. Suppose we have a group of students; some pairs of them know each other, while some do not. Knowing each other is a mutual relation that could be shown; we can try to represent these relations by drawing some points on the paper to represent the students and connecting the point(student) pairs that know each other. It is not important whether we connect two points with a straight line because what matters is whether they are friends or n

Euler's Totient Function and Properties

The number of natural numbers n that are relatively prime to n is denoted by φ(n) (n is a natural number). The function φ(n) is called Euler's totient function. Euler was the first to investigate this function and its properties in 1760. The notation φ(n) , however, is due to Gauss (He introduced the symbol in 1801), this is the reason why some authors prefer to call the function φ(n) , Gauss's function.

The Golden Ratio

Golden ratio, in mathematics, is the golden ratio if the ratio of the larger of two quantities to the smaller is the same as the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger of the quantities. I know this sentence is a little bit difficult to understand. But its too important to understant because...

"Ein Stein" karosu

TR/"Ein Stein" karosunun keşfi ve özellikleri ENG/The discovery and features of the "Ein Stein" tile

Why we use "X" As The Unknown In Math

Greetings everyone! Welcome to my blog. In this blog, you are going to find an answer to a Interesting question: Why we use "X" As the unknown in math. You can write your comments about my blog in the comments section. Thanks for reading, Have a nice day! ????

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