The Depths of Dostoevsky's Philosophy on Suffering

Hi everyone, I talked about Fyodor Dostoevsky's philosophy in my blog and my thoughts about this. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Gölgeler korur mu insanı kendinden?

Gölgeler korur mu beni kendimden, yağmurlarımdan ve güneşimden kaçabilir miyim?

What is Philosophy

What is philosophy ? This question is always asking since Philosophy's born. For this question, the true answer is...

What Can We Learn From Oodi, The Masterpiece of Finnish Educational Vision and Architecture

Do visit a library in your city every week or month? Personally, I don’t and I don’t know anyone that does so. However, would you believe me if say that the people of Helsinki visit their library, Helsinki Central Library (called Oodi), casually? After my visit to Helsinki, I want to introduce you to this library that deserves to be called a masterpiece, share my thoughts, and explain why it charmed me deeply (and maybe even why it will charm you too).

How can reading something affect us so much?

Why does reading appear in every aspect of our lives? We are encouraged by everyone to read books from the moment we learn to read. So why, why is reading so important? Reading means looking at life from different windows. The more different windows you look from, the wider perspective you have and the more you can interpret the events you encounter from a broader perspective. But how does this happen? How can reading something affect us so much?

English Literature

Have you ever read something from the English Literature? Okay I can count Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings, but have you ever wondered why it is considered as one of the best literatures in the world?

The Missing Half in Education

Gender inequality in Turkish education is manifested by lower enrollment rates for girls, biased educational materials favoring male representation, and a lack of female teachers, especially in STEM subjects. To solve this problem, reforms that will eliminate prejudices, policies that will facilitate girls' access to education, and efforts to increase the number of female teachers, which are vital for social progress and welfare, are required.


Are we free, what does freedom mean, and how is it achieved? Do we need the answers to these questions? Actually, yes, we definitely need the answers to these questions. Among us, there are those who feel free, yet there are also those who live according to the commands and desires of others. Is this true freedom? Is it the ability to make your own decisions or the ability to do what you want when you feel like it? Yes, actually, all of these can be valid answers because there is not just one answer. The an

March 22 | World Water Day

One day, the little black fish had to leave its family and friends due to water scarcity and drought. So what can we do to make the voice of the little black fish heard?

The Proud and the Prejudiced, My Take on the Book "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

Have you heard of Pride and Prejudice? Maybe you have watched the cinema adaptation or even read the book. I finished reading the book lately to fill up the holes and answer the questions I was left with after watching the movie a year before. And I’m left with things that I dearly want to share with anyone who got even the slightest bit of curious about why this literary piece is so appreciated and diffused within our lives. So take a cup of coffee and join me as I try to display why it is worth every minu