Science 19 Nisan 2024

What is Space Mining?

Space mining is a mining method planned to extract depleted or highly valuable minerals on Earth from specific asteroids in the Asteroid Belt using various methods. In literary terms, the concept of space mining has been explored throughout history. The idea of space mining was first mentioned in Clifford D. Simak's short story "The Asteroid of Gold" in 1932. Since then, the concept of space mining has been depicted in various films, books, and games, influencing scientific activities and bringing attention to the potential of space mining. While space mining may not be practical at the moment, it could become a significant industry within the next 10 years. Therefore, international legal regulations regarding the discovery and use of minerals in space are already being discussed, as countries that control natural resources like minerals often hold significant power globally. Furthermore, space mining could be one of humanity's first steps towards space exploration and even living in space. Many companies, such as JAXA, NASA, Planetary Resources, Deep Space Industries, and Origin Space, are investing in space mining. Among the rich resources found in space are helium-3, gold, cobalt, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhenium, rhodium, and tungsten. Four main methods are being discussed for space mining: biomining within space, altering the orbit of asteroid materials to bring them to Earth, producing and processing materials at the location of the asteroid and bringing them to Earth, and transporting asteroids to orbits around the Moon or Earth for production. Currently, the cost of bringing something from space to Earth exceeds the value of the minerals obtained. Therefore, it seems more reasonable to use space resources in space. However, with advancements in technology and decreases in costs, space mining is expected to become more economically viable in the future.
